Tuesday, November 29, 2005

JOTA, 15&16 Oct.

Last October 15 & 16, 2005, whilst most of us were busy with our own weekends. . .9M2DS, Pak Dollah was busy with his helming the JOTA (Jamboree On The Air) at Sekinchan Selangor.
As it was an event of great significance, involving wireless communication, particulaly, where the Scouts are concerned, a quick link was done over the 2m locally, bridging SMK Bandar Utama and Sekinchan.
A very quick set up of a 2m Antenna (loaner from one of our members) and Rig provided by 9W2VA-Andy, and his sidekick 9M2BGL-Lim, enabled the troop of SMKBU2 to QSO with the JOTA link in Sekinchan. Historically, the Head Mistress of SMKBU2 Datin Chin had a quick QSO with the Menteri Besar of Selangor, Dato Khir in Sekinchan.
Although traditionally, the JOTA is done on HF, sadly due to commitments, some 9M stations could not assist in getting SMKBU2 'live'. Nevertheless, the troop showed great interest, and a quick lesson from our Mr Engineer, helped fuelled the interest.
This potos, in entirety, by album can be viewed at the following link (http://photos.yahoo.com/ketuaweb). Selected Photos are printed on this blog.

Syabas to al involved, and lets get it more organised next time round. . . . .

de Martsnews.Blogspot

Martsnews wishes Best 73s and good luck to SWLs

Dateline November 29 2005. . .1400hrs (+8GMT)... PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. RAE!!
Martsnews.Blogspot wishes all SWLs sitting for the RAE, conducted by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission good luck!
This RAE will be the first where a choice of language (questions) will be offered to candidates.
The unofficial number given to Martnews.Blogspot is that there will be approximately 960+ candidates vying for their 'class B' Apparatus Assignment should they pass.

All in all, there should be a significant increase in local air traffic. . . .hopefully, at least.

SYABAS to all volunteers, and certainly to the Authorities for their bold step forward.

de Martsnews.blogspot

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Latest QSP from 9M2LC -

Just received info from Malacca, that the Foxhunt session has been cancelled.Anyway, Penang side is scouting for new sites to do the workshop and hunt.Not too sure whether can squeeze in one more before the end of this year, oreven before CNY 2006. Well, keep our fingers crossed or better still our antennas flexed and cobweb free.73 KC - 9M2LC

See? Everyone is still trying to contribute something. . . since this did not materialise, maybe with more guys n gals creating something, the gears will start turning again . .
Syabas Lim for trying . . . .

73s de Martsnews.blogspot

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

9M2RKK (VHF) repeaters

Good news!

Our "old lady" on Bukit Lanjan has been replaced by a loaner
"lady" from Penang.

As our repeater needs more time and appropriate spares
to get the "old lady" back on her feet, MARTS Penang has
loaned us a repeater for our use.
We also have to thank 9W2XL, who went up the hill gelap2
yesterday to fix this loaner repeater.
Syabas to all round who made this happen.

We hope with this repeater back in operation, our "hamsters" will
make full use of this facility.

The other news is for those SWLs who will be taking the RAE exam
next week 29 Nov 2005.

Some volunteers are arranging for a RAE revision class
tommorow 24 Nov 2005, Venue at KL around 7:45pm.
If the SWLs would like to join this revision class and for more info,
pls contact 9W2MN Encik Zaki at 013-3758001.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Hello . . .fellow hams, ooks like it has been a while since the last update.
Everyone has been busy I guess. . personally, I have taken on a new job, andwhich means new responsibilities . . 9W2XI has also taken on a new job, such our 'web master' has been busy too. Last I heard, 9W2XYZ, has moved on, and 9W2XL has been in and out of the country.
9W2SSJ has been enjoying his time off before resuming his saltmine matters. . .
I do know for a fact that some SWL's have been keenly looking forward to more activities, so guess we will have to start somewhere.
After speaking to 9M2LAW - committee member MARTS, they are aware of our repeater situation and are working to 'get the budget' to replace the old faithful at Bukit Lanjan.
Keep fingers crossed.
On a more interesting note, get out your equipment and fix that measuring tape yagi you have all been talking about, cos there will be a fox hunt, hopefully, come November 26 & 27.

as informed by 9M2LC -Just to let U know that there might be a possible ARDF session, mainly organised by the Malacca boys.Venue : Jelebu, Negri Sembilan ( exact place I don't know yet )Date : 26 ~ 27th November 2005.Temporary coordinator : 9M2WT : William TanI have yet to get full details from him, but already scheduling some of our Pg boys to head down there,IF the gathering takes place. That means we will leave on Friday 25th for KL 1st.Hope U and your contingent can join us. Will feed you more details if available.73KC - 9M2LC

so keep your dates free, andrest assured, I will update more often. . .

Best 73's 9W2MCT

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Announcement - RKK repeater is down

Pls be informed - 9M2RKK repeater is offline
Repair work is on-going.



CQ CQ CQ! That seems to be the usual call but replies are far and few . .
MartsnewsBlogspot, is not dead ! Yes, we are still looking out for volunteers for the following;

1.RAE Review in preparation for the coming RAE . . . If you know of anyone intending to update their knowledge please put it down in comment. (Volunteers required for Review session, estimated to be held sometime in October)
2.Volunteers required to hold RDF Antenna building (venue TBA).
3.Articles . . .if you have any Amateur related articles, or are planning any events, please put in comment for us to announce.


Friday, September 09, 2005

9M2MRC - All Good Things Come To An End . .

Tues - 6th Sept 2005

9M2MRC officially QRT ! As the event came to a close, 9M2MRC closed its station with two last minute visitors from Seremban! (Martsnews.Blogspot apologises for not remembering their names! Our stations involved in manning the booth were too busy wrapping up and dismantling the ever so complex equipments - Come on down to Ali B, the two of you and the drinks are on the house!)

The Competition came to a close with SM Teknik Slim River taking the honours (FYI, The winning team did visit our booth . . ) Alas, all good things come to an end, and a big big big thank you to all those involved in the event . Below, is the role of honour, and if your name is not here drop me a note! I do apologise as there were moments (many, in fact) that I was a away from my sentry! Cheerioooo . . . . .

Icom V8000 x 2 (9w2MCT & 9W2XI)
Yaesu Vx5R x 1 (9w2MCT)
Yaesu Vx7R x 1 (9W2SSJ)
Cubicle Quad Homebrew Directional Antenna (9W2MRR)
SG7700 2x5/8 Mobile Antenna (9W2MRR)
Motorola GP300 (9W2ICE)
Kenwood TS2000 x 1 All band Transceiver (9W2XL)
Yaesu FT8900 x 1 (9W2XL)
Diamond SWR Meter (9W2XL)
Cushcraft MN7000 Antenna (9W2XL)
CDMA Wireless 2.4G high speed connection (with the kind help from 9M2MO – Request not to be published, and kept for internal record only)
CB Radio Display only (9W2XI)
Battery supply (9W2XL & 9W2XYZ)
Camp Beds x 2(9W2XL)
Fluorescent Lights (9W2PO & 9W2XL)
Cooler Box (Thanks for the cold cold cold drinks !! - 9W2MRR)
Snacks (Courtesy of 9W2AXN, 9W2ICE & 9W2VA)
Laptops x 3 (9W2AXN & 9W2MCT)
Mosquito Coils (Thanks Andy!! You sure kept them away!!)

9W2XI – Wilson
9W2XL – Bear
9M2DS – Pak Dollah
9W2AXN – Adlind
9W2SSJ – Suchart
9W2MRR – Syed
9W2MCT – Tony
9W2ALX – Alex
9W2ZZE – Azizi

9M2MO - Mohamad Anuar
9W2JI – Jimmy
9M2CF – Chow
9M2CIA – Lokmal
9W2CCW - Hassan Chan
9W2BAD – Badrul
9W2GL – Wan
9W2MAN – Man
9W2VA – Andy
9W2XZ – Fadzil
9W2TKC - Peter Tang
9W2BGL – Lim
9W2AQ – Azmi
9W2BTL – Lim
9W2FAI – Fai
SM Kg Baru Si Rusa, Port Dickson
SM Teknik, Slim River
A few other schools (not named as not accompanied by teacher advisors)
(two stations from Seremban, did not get call sign, as we were dismantling the booth when they arrived - This list of visitors was compiled from a visitors logbook, but some may have not been listed so if you are missing, send me a note tonyyew@gmail.com)

9M2MRC QSO Log (Incomplete)
N1KMM - Rick - USA via Echolink/RF-9M2RUK
9W2CCB - Colin - Malacca via Echolink/RF-9M2RUK
9Z4AFH - Khaz - Senegal via Echolink/RF-9M2RUK
9M2AR - Cikgu Man - Kedah via HF 7.043mhz
9W2PAT - Dr.Pat - Johor Bahru via Echolink/RF-9M2RUK
9W2JAS - Jason - Johor Bahru via Echolink/RF-9M2RUK
9W2TSK - Kumar - Johor Bahru via Echolink/RF-9M2RUK
9M2CJ - Thiam - Kuala Lumpur via Echolink/RF-9M2RUK
9W2VA - Andy -Kuala Lumpur via 9M2RKK
9W2XZ - Fadzil - Kuala Lumpur via 9M2RKK
9W2YJ - Rodney - Klang via Echolink/RF-9M2RUK
9W2AQ - Azmi - Sri Kembangan via 9M2RKK

73s . . .coming together for a better communication tomorrow

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

UM - 9M2MRC - 5th Sept 2005

The MARTS – Universiti Malaya (9M2MRC) booth was well manned on the first day Of the ANGKASA – Piala Menteri, Sains, Teknologi dan Innovasi, water jet propulsion competition.

On hand to help man the booth was 9M2DS–Pak Dollah, 9W2AXN–Adlind, 9W2MRR- Syed, 9W2XL-Bear, 9W2SSJ-Suchart and yours truly 9W2MCT-Tony.

There were not many visitors, probably due to the fact that the competition proper was in full motion. Whilst our friends were busy trying to set up the wireless link, the competition swung into full spin, with times, having the launched rockets coming quickly crashing down to the field. The visitors, including the Media, will turn up tomorrow, being the Finals.

A group of students, from the SMK Kampung Baru Si Rusa, Port Dickson, headed by their ‘cikgu’ (teacher), Pn Amelia Bt Ahzan, spent a good portion of their lunch break to find out more about Amateur Radio Services. On hand to help out was 9M2DS-Pak Dollah, whom cikgu recognized from his past TV expose! Students who were at our booth with Cikgu, were, Abd Razak B Ahmad, Mohd Ridzuan B Yaacob, Muhammad Nazirul B MNohd Yusoff, and Kamarul Ariffin Bin Mohd Rashidi. After a quick lesson, Kamarul was quickly anointed SWL, and he continued to QSO with 9W2SNZ-Shamsul (who was mobiling to Jelebu from his base in Kuala Lumpur) Syabas to Cikgu Amelia, and hopefully, MARTS will be able to see a Junior Club soon.

Tune in to this blog for the latest in the UM – 9M2MRC booth . . .

73’s . . . Coming Together for a Better Communication Tomorrow

Monday, September 05, 2005

UM - Science Fest - Booth set up

D-Day ! 4th September, booth set up task was left to a few stations.
A couple of exchanges over the airwaves, the following was collected for use in the exhibition booth. Syabas to Wilson-9W2XI for sacrificing his family time in Port Dickson to return to KL to help out in the set up of the booth.

Icom V8000 x 2 (9w2MCT & 9W2XI)
Yaesu Vx5R x 1 (9w2MCT)
Cubicle Quad Homebrew Directional Antenna (9W2MRR)
SG7700 2x5/8 Mobile Antenna (9W2MRR)
Motorola GP300 (9W2ICE)
Kenwood TS2000 x 1 All band Transceiver (9W2XL)
Yaesu FT8900 x 1 (9W2XL)
Diamond SWR Meter (9W2XL)
Cushcraft MN7000 Antenna (9W2XL)
Battery supply (9W2XL & 9W2XYZ)
Camp Beds (9W2XL)
Fluorescent Lights (9W2PO & 9W2XL)
Cooler Box (Thanks for the cold cold cold drinks !! - 9W2MRR)
Snacks (Courtesy of 9W2AXN & 9W2ICE)
Laptops x 3 (9W2AXN & 9W2MCT)

The night was tough especially, with the many number of 'Graduate Mosqitoes' at the UM Grounds rushing to keep us company. Our broadband suppliers were busy trying to connect to Echolink, with undoubtably some Port related problems. They were testing till early morning . .
Morning came, and the next shift took over . . . .
73s and big thank you to all who contributed one way or the other . . .

'Coming together for a better communication tomorrow'

9M2MRC - Universiti Malaya Call Sign for MARTS Booth

CQ CQ CQ . . the MARTS Exhibition and demonstration booth was given the go ahead to use the official MARTS Callsign - 9M2MRC -and as such, you may be hearing this sign repeated over the airwaves over the next few days.

The event officially kicked off this morning at 0830 hrs, with the competitors taking their turns at the trajectory and lift off segments of their Water Propelled Rocket Jets. The objectiv of holding the booth in conjunction with this competition is to provide basic Amateur Radio Information to the countries Science's students.

Kep in tune for more up to date reporting, live from Universiti Malaya.
9M2MRC, can be reached through 9M2RKK (147.980 mhz) 9M2RUK (147.900mhz) 9M2RKL (439.600) or HF at 7.043 mhz.

73's - 9M2MRC

Friday, September 02, 2005

Universiti Malaya - Science Fest Sept 5&6 - UPDATE

Not so long ago, we posted news that KL Region MARTS Rep Office will spearhead a Field Day in collaboration with ANGKASA (National Space Agency of Malaysia) in conjunction of the 'Water Jet Propulsion Competitioin for the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Cup'. That day is fast coming, and thanks to the kind attention of Telekom Malaysia, Technology Division, special mention to En Mohamad Annuar-9M2MO, the Booth will be equipped with uninterrupted wireless service through its CDMA services in collaboration with HuaWei Technologies. This is utmost important in providing visitors to the booth an insight to a live demo in VoiP-RF interlink.

Many thanks to En Mohamad Annuar-General Manager; En Dinesh Krishnarajah-Assistant Manager, Wireless System Technology; En Lee Han Kiong, Wireless BSS Engineer, HuaWei ;
Mr Chen Peng, CDMA Optimization Engineer, HuaWei;
Atached are photos of the Engineers testing their systems on site at the Varsity Green Field, University Malaya.
( The system in use for the duration of the field day is developed by QUALCOMM Inc. Concept of wireless technology which uses spread spectrum technology . It spreads information in a signal over a much greater bandwidth and shares the same channel at same time slot - For a more detailed explanation and illustration, you may want to contact En Dinesh - dinesh@tm.com.my)

See you there. . . . oh yeah . . . . there will be a BBQ on site for all volunteers and visitors, Monday Night . . .5th Sept . . .

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Celebration Net

Few days ago, our tiredless net Controller Pak Dollah, 9M2DS
was in control again on 25Aug05.
The day in question was Hari Wanita Sedunia.

Pak Dollah was on the mike again calling all Amateur Stations
to check in from 2100 hrs that night to wish all "wanita"
tha had contributed to each members reaching where they are

A total of 30 stations checked in that night.

1. 9W2MZ
2. 9W2BAD
3. 9W2BGL
4. 9W2SMJ
5. 9W2YJ
6. 9W2GC
7. 9W2TOO
8. 9W2SSJ
9. 9W2PAT
10. 9W2XI
11. 9W2CCT
12. 9W2JBJ
13. 9W2TWO
14. 9W2HHL
15. 9M2CJ
16. 9W2CCH
17. 9W2ALQ
18. 9W2LAR
19. 9W2RY
20. 9W2MCT
21. 9M2RT
22. 9W2AXN
23. 9W2SAI
24. 9W2MEJ
25. 9W2KDN
26. 9W2XZ
27. 9W2LAW
28. 9W2SAL
29. 9M2MO
30. 9W2DDL

Net COntroller Pak Dollah closed the Celebration Net at 2230 that nite.
Syabas to all who checked in.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Read all abt it !!

A ‘Big’ thank you to all who help make this pretty picture above come true in our local daily – The Utusan Malaysia . Syabas! to 9w2SAI for his allegiance to HAM Radio and sharing his enthusiasm with us that this is made possible.

Special thanks to Ms. Mariatul for taking time to spend the evening with all of us here at 40 Thieves.. and for all those who have lend a hand to make 40 Thieves a success , Thank you.


MARES Field Day Celebration

Hi all,

MERDEKA AMATEUR RADIO FIELD DAY- 31 AUGUST 2005 MARES Field Day for the public and ham operators. Details are as follows:

Venue: Jalan Tinggi off Jalan Gasing
Date: 31 August 2005
Time: 2.30 pm

All are welcome

A QSP msg from Mares member. See you there guys, have fun.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

RUK (9M2RUK) . . . The Story...

In the 70's (can't remember exactly when) , the 2 Metre Band was made available to Amateurs in Malaysia. Unfortunately, Singapore did not, and HAMS there could not enjoy the same band spectrum as we did.
It was a period of great activity, enthusiasm and fun. But shortly after, we began to discover the properties of VHF. 9M2CM used the word "window" to describe channel effectsin VHF.

What is a window?...simply this; when you have a window in your house, you look through it and see the view. Move yourself away and the view dissapears. In VHF, if you move your handheld to a certain position, you hear the signal; move away from that position and the signal is gone. 9M2CM coined it the window effect! And so it was a limitation to contacts through the hand held or home station.
Very quickly he (then MARTS President) decided they should solve the problem with a Repeater. He wrote to his HAM friend in the United States for advice and at the same time discussed BANDPLAN with the Telecoms Department (Jabatan Telekom, Malaysia)
Within one week the equipment arrived at the Old Subang Airport (now Lapangan Terbang Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah, Subang) and 9M2AV-Avatar Singh, along with 'Congoman-9M2CM' went to 'tussle' with customs. Nevertheless, the equipment was released. We then knew RUK consists of a transmitter and receiver (as one unit) plus an 8 element co-linear and 3 cavity resonators.
9M2CO-Adrian, immediately started assembly of the co-linear antenna (which turned out to be approx. 20ft tall) the 1/2 elements were positioned NSEW (directional) concentrically.
Again , within 1 week, the Repeater 9M2RUK found its home at Ulu Kali. A great big thank you to JTM, and all involved in getting 9M2RUK going.
With 9M2RUK now 'alive', a period of great activity followed ! The lonely HAM would trigger 9M2RUK and felt accompanied when the sweet response in Morse code . . dah dah dah dah dit . . . .dah dit dah . . Those who did not know wheter their rig was working triggered 9M2RUK and when RUK's response in Morse code was heard, the Rig was OK!
Ships passing throught the Straits of Malacca triggered 9M2RUK; perhaps 9M2FK, should be given the credit for installing a yagi high up his tower and triggered 9M2RUK from Penang !!
In those days you could only get through the repeater as far North as Ipoh and South up to Malacca.

**NOTE** 9M2RUK was given to MARTS by 9M2CM-CongoMan ;
The co-linear antenna mounted on the left hand side leg of Telecoms Tower Ulu Kali (View from Hotel Genting HIghlands) ; IARU and JTM secured 2 Metre Band for Malaysia.

Syabas, and thank you to all involved; and particularly to CongoMan for narrating this story.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Johor 2mNet Via Echolink-9M2RGP

Even though the supposed to have been RF/Voip via Echolink connection have not been 'live' yet, and thanks to our friends down south in Johore, with their undying interest, (thanks for being patient guys), it did not deter them from running their 2mNet via Echolink.

Evident from that, here is the exceprt from 9W2PAT, email to me. Keep on D'Xing guys....On On!

"Dear Tony,

It's indeed my greatest pleasure to advise of our Johor 2 meter net happening yesterday.

At 8:45 pm i called (Francis) for his opinion to go ahead for my link to Gunung Pulai repeater for our Johor 2Meter net and was given the green light to go ahead thus giving me the impromptu decision to allow my echolink 9W2PAT-L to UPGRADE to 9W2PAT-R status. Since the net was an impromptu decision in linking, therefore our local ham community wasn't informed by me and they had a "BIG" surprise that the net was able to receive overseas hammers checking in. Suddenly our local hammers are very very busy listening to their Rig for once....hahaha. There's even one 9M holder (hardly comes on air) who checked in from our local community , eagerly awaiting his turn to check in and being the first checker whilst I was still in the midst of announcing the beginning part of the net.... hahahhaa.

At 9:30 pm I hosted the Johor 2Meter net (being the net controller) with our 9M8SL (Sly) assistance in echolinking and pulling stations from Malaysian conference (he's the moderator) .......land linking to other links over the net while I was busy controlling the net shooting away like bullets in the air.

It was very very successful with total 39 participants from worldwide checking in (MALAYSIA, USA, UK, Trinidad & Tobago, Thai, Brunei, Sabah & Sarawak, Pulau Karimon (Indonesia) and others.

The nett started at 9:30 pm and ended at 12:00 mid-night with a change in net controller, 9W2PAT- DR Patrick Chin (9:30PM till 11:00pm) -break for dinner & drinks.............to 9W2JO - James Tay (11:00 PM TO 12:00 midnight).

It's has to be put on record, Our Johor 2 Meter net that's 'marathoning' from local to overseas. Normally our net would start at 9:30 pm and ends around 10:15 pm with only our local JB hammer's checking only, and at times very monotonous. NOW we have added rainbow colours and a new era to the Johor 2 Meter Net, which hopefully, is gonna change forever. After the net closed, our Pulau Karimon hammers continue to use our repeater linking till 2:00 am before I totally disable the link to 9M2RGP repeater. Our hammer from Pulau Karimon for once was "jumping" over the air for able to QSO with other hammers in other part of the world as he had never believe this thing could happened at all. Nevertheless, he gave the link for a rest and would continue again next week on Every Thursday 9:30 pm for his next adventure with us. Please share this piece of good news on your blog website.

With Best Regards


With Best RegardsDR Patrick Chin"

Good luck to 9W2PAT and our firends in Johor, and looking forward to linking up permanently.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Aug 16 - 9M2RKK & 9M2RKL Downtime

Early morning QSO's was interupted again on August 16, due to both 9M2RKK & 9M2RKL repeater experiencing power interruption. A visit to Bukit Lanjan, by KL Regional Repreentative, 9W2XL - Bear, indicated that the Alinco Power supply (loaner from 9W2XL) experienced some connectivity problems (the Negative connector has come loose and have interrupted power connectivity intermittently).
A Quick decision was made to attempt fixing the problem later. At about 1630 hrs, 9W2XL, and yours truly, 9W2MCT, ascended Bukit Lanjan equipped with soldering tools and all.
A thorough check on the connectors confirmed 9W2XL's initial assessment, and rectification works commenced. A short while later , with some minor adjustments and both repeaters 'kechunked' to live!

(Picture illustrates 9W2XL's delicate hands at work!! - Pix courtesy of T630 Mobile phone camera of 9W2MCT - pardon the clarity......)

AUG 5 - FRIDAY Regular Eyeballat Ali Baba

Twas the time again, Friday, 5th August was no different...
No Haze, all in a daze, . . . indeed it was, last count probably 18 stations.....
I lost count after catching sight of one YL..... Hi Hi...
Keep it coming guys.....Big welcome to 9M2CO, Adrain, First timer to Ali Baba for dropping in, with the help from 9M2CM, Tommy, 9M2KK Chan, and 9M2CF - Chow.

(picture shows 9W2SSJ - Suchart and gang, testing out Echolink Box - with minor adjustments)

Also, a further blogspot Big hello to SWL Dexter & Raffiq,
welcome to the HAM Community...

Monday, August 15, 2005

Association with Echolink software

9M2DS - Pak Dollah takes on Echolink talking to stations down south at Johore Baru thru 9W2PAT-L link on the 12th August 2005.

Once again , Thank you to 9W2PAT and fellow hams down south for having the permanent link.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

SEPT 6 & 7 , MARTS FIELD DAY, Universiti Malaya

Map to Location
CQ CQ CQ... MARTS with the help from the KL Regional Office, will be spearheading a Field Day on the invitation of ANGKASA - National Space Agency of Malaysia. This is in conjunction with ANGKASA's National Competition for Water Jet Propulsion 2005, to be held on Sep 5 & 6 in the Gronds of Universiti Malaya. MARTSNEWS.BLOGSPOT is taking the liberty to provide this information to all AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS irrespective of allegiance, through this site to call for volunteers. The event and agenda will be discussed once the core team is identified. Do call 9W2MCT- Tony Yew or place in the comment section of this post, your willingness to participate in this event for the good of the younger generation.

Our focus is to provide, information and demonstration of Amateur Radio related activities for the two days in mention. The current event as arranged by ANGKASA is as follows;

5 Sept 2005
8.00am Commencement of Competition
9.30am Arrival of Invited guest and Media
10.00am VVIP Arrival
Welcoming Speech by Vice Chancellor Universiti Malaya
Speech by Director General, ANGKASA
Launch Gimic
Press Conference
12.30pm Lunch
5.00pm Close of Day's event

6 Sept 2005
8.00am Commencement of Day 2 competition
1.00pm Lunch
3.00pm Arrival of Hon. Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation
Dato.Dr Jamaludin Jarjis
Closing Ceremony and Prize giving by Hon.Minister
Press Conference
8.00pm Video Presentation of Weeks event, and Barbeque for Participants / Exhibitors

footnote: This event is the milestone for the National Space Agency of Malaysia, in making inroads to the school and university scene. This final is a culmination of a year's effort in conducting regional and state level competition, and where, the winning team will represent our country in the world finals in Japan.
The invitation to MARTS to host a booth, completely sponsored by ANGKASA, will see MARTS increase its level of publicity, especially to the younger audience. Your effort, and willingness to share your experience, and knowledge with this young audience, will hopefully see a better pick up rate of Amateur Radio as a key hobby in the coming years. So, please put all your differences aside (if any) to help!

Friday, August 05, 2005

MCMC wants to know what you want - no joke.

Calling all Hams - Transmitting or not.

Many of us are used to lamenting about practically everything under the sun. Not that it actually does any good. The only thing it does is that it gathers like minded people in small groups nodding to each other. A wiseman once said, 'Great minds think alike...' However, without constructive channels, it is just gossip and teh tarik fodder.

Many of you already know that Bear 9W2XL has been appointted State Liaison Officer for MARTS by the Penang Council. While as expected, he is charged with maintaining the repeaters and associated areas; he has been summoned by MCMC to present ideas from the general populace of our fraternity.

Remember, MCMC is moving into the self-governance sector and is INVITING responses from its member constituents. Let it not be said that you did not have the opportunity to speak your mind or contribute.

If you have the skill sets and/or the inclination to contribute to this effort, please send your details to wisan@yahoo.com (selaku net controller utama webpage ini) with the following details.

Name . Callsign. Email. Contact Number. QTH. Areas of Expertise or Contribution. Time availability.

We are looking especially for those with a flair for writing, research, argumentative logic, editing, discussion, filing and collating. MCMC has indicated that it would like to open a dialogue with a working committee on areas of Development, Technical, Education/Syllabus, Operations, Policy Issues & Review AND Enforcement.

The first meeting is scheduled this Thursday, for which Bear will present. Following that, there will be other meetings to fine tune and put our recommendations into place for action and discussion. This is your chance to be heard.

In general, we support band plan expansion, unification, common access, CW abolishment, reduced redtape, best practise from other regions, et cetera.
We are opposed to factionalism, improper use of radio and non-compliance to procedure, commercial intrusion into ham bands and the like.

Those already identified as contributors are 9W2CBO, 9W2XI, 9W2MCT, 9W2AXN and 9W2XI. The workload is quite punishing, so we are appealing for others to join the team. Please help us make our hobby much more fulfilling.


Universiti Malaya - Science Fest Sept 6&7

Timing....that is important! Such, after 9W2JAR's thoughts on 'Wish we have more room', an invitation to MARTS from the Science Centre was received, requesting, participation from MARTS to promote Amateur Radio and its contents at an upcoming event to be held at Universiti Malaya, o the 6 & 7th September, 2005. Being a weekday, Martnews.Blogspot, is equesting interested parties to volunteer their time by registering by way of comment to this posting.

The Booth space and agenda will be discussed by this core group with help from MARTS.
An outline of the programme will further be posted on this posting.
The objective of this booth is to promote Amateur Radio and other related matters.

So, please raise up your hands, yet again, to help out in favour.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


Assalammualaikum, and hello.
It was resolve during the recent meeting that "MCMC may at its discretion decide on case to case basis, which education, promotional, and experimental event ‘about amateur radio hobby’ should be funded or sponsored. MCMC is to decide based on merits of request made for such sponsorship".
Well, nothing to comment on that, but I believe MARTS as a community should do more promotions on this hobby. Grab opportunities, exhibitions, fairs, what so ever. Target where the people are. Invite and get invited. Put up banners, send brochure, make more demonstrations, call the press. I know a lot of us has the energy to do that. Ugh, maybe not the money.
Well, I was at a week-long USM Pesta Buku dan Multimedia yesterday where MCMC Penang is one of the organisers. MCMC has a booth, and the offer information (brochures), including of the amateur radio. But sad, none of the amateur radio societies was invited to put up a little show. Argh, It will be lovely if the fair has one, like I said, there are opportunities, but wasnt grabbed.
I wont blame the lady in charge for not being expressive enough to tell me more about amateur radio (yeah, I pretended that I dont know a thing, and said .. "I know the hobby from TV") she doesnt have the amount of excitement like the ham operators themselves (in this case, "we").
I just wish we have more room to spread the good news of this hobby. Tu je.
Thanks and 73 d 9W2JAR

KL/SEL Regional Liaison Officer Appointment

Latest news! MARTS, the Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitter's Society, Malaysia's Premium Radio Amateur Society, has made a positive step in appointing Regional Representative(s) around the country.
Martsnews.Blogspot.com (although not the official website of Marts) learnt of this appointment from its loyal MARTS members. A three page appointment letter with sub clauses, was issued to the newly appointed representative, 9W2XL- Bear, as the Central Region Liaison Officer, and this is seen as a positive step to reactivate Marts to it's 'Glory Days'. The appointment also provides for Repeater Management and implementation as well as Liaison with the Authority, MCMC, Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission.
This move comes in wake of numerous request, by active members to the Council (current term 2005-2006), and in response to various negative reaction from the recent developments.

The current practice of promotion of all MARTS related events, shall also be a focus of this appointment.

Martsnews.blogspot.com wishes 73's to Bear, and his team, for all efforts and future endeavours to render the society active again. So, hands up all those who can contribute in any way, KL now has a voice!

Friday, July 29, 2005

HAPPY...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, 9W2LRR Raymond Celebrates!

Ah that Single candle means only 1 callsign in your family mah.....

Aiyoooo....I forgot to pick up my XYL.....
Never mind, amber fluid aplenty....
worry later....

Jolly good, 25 July 2005, marks another Milestone for Raymond-9W2LRR from Johor Bharu.
A keen Hash Man, with itchy fingers (So he took up Amateur Radio, the rumour goes), Raymond is seen here taking time off with 9M2YYY-Cheng , 9W2PAT-Patrick , 9W2JAC - Jackie, 9W2SKW- Wong , 9W2JON - Jon?..Hi Hi...name not listed in register yet, 9W2JAS- Jason, 9W2TSK - Kumar, and 2person just pass thier RAE(no callsign yet).

MARTSNEWS.BLOGSPOT, wishes Raymond a Happy one, and evidently it was happy!
We counted 35 bottles........how many do you see?? ...Also, Photos are not in sequence, due to the effect of Alcohol in the bloodstream of the publisher, caused by 'viewing effect' of these photos!! SORRY!!

P.S note that 9W2LRR / 9W2PAT is keey to connecting Johor to the new MARTS VoIP/RF connection to be announced at a later date. Currently undergoing application status

Monday, July 25, 2005


Calling all Paintball enthusiasts...

The Little Birdie flying in the caves of Ali Baba, has once again sung!
The Youth & Sports Ministry(Kementerian Belia & Sukan) has announced the following;

Paintball Competition
Date : 20 & 21 August 2005
Venue: Taman Botani, Putrajaya
Closing Date: 15 August 2005
Price: 1st Placing RM 1,500.00
2nd Placing RM 1,000.00
3rd Placing RM 500.00
Entrance fee: RM 250 per team

For your own action; please contact the KB&S office directly, or if you are interested in forming a team, please comment in this blog, and I am sure that someone, will contact you......

good luck, to those trigger happy Thieves....

73's..MARTSNEWS.BLOGSPOT....oh yeah...the little birdie wishes not to be idetified....

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Gateway testing in progress

From L-R Front :- 9M2CJ, 9W2GU,9W2SSJ
Back :- 9W2ALX & 9W2ZZE

9W2XI working on the AP

From L-R :- 9W2XL (Bear) briefing 9W2ICE (Bob) about SWR & Installation of antenna. Also seen with 9W2XK and 9W2XYZ's XYL

From Left - Right Front :- 9M2GU (Hamid), 9W2ALX (Alex) & 9W2SSJ (Shuchart) working on E-QSO

New SWL faces seen hanging at Alibaba

Latest pictures taken as Dr. Tech working hard with the QC testing and configuration. We are hoping to sent out these interface boxes ASAP.


Thursday, July 21, 2005

2mNet Johor-KL..UPDATE

Sincere Apologies to our loyal bloggers of this site!
Our intentions to have the KL-Johor 2mNet was to suffer a setback, not due to the London bombings though, but because of late receipt of approval from Marts. This is not the fault of the Marts Council though, but perhaps, not enough time was given, both for the approval, as well as the application of the relevant Licenses from MCMC.

So, please hold your horses, and we will get all in order before, proceeding with another announcement. Due to this development, the 29th July 2mNet is also postponed.

Our sincere thanks to 9W2PAT (Patrick, Johor), SWL Lee (Besut, Trengganu), 9M2NCL (Andre, Penang) for having the patience with us.

Keep on DXing.....and Blogging too....


(Top to Bottom)
Top Left - The MAL-BAD Combi playing now......

Middle Left - BAD on his Solo run
Below Left- Pak Dollah jamming, a change from pressing the PTT!

It cannot be said that HAMS are good for nothing...coz, evidently, HAM JAMs!
Pictured, are Pak Dollah resurrecting his music career, or at least attempting to...
and Bad, Mal, among other regular jammers.

Ali B is not just Radio talk.....Jam for free, but at least, buy a drink lah...make Mubaraq happy.....or even surf on the net, but please bring your own lap top...

See ya there...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Eyeball, eyeball till eyes pop out!

Sitting (Rear:l to r) 9W2AXN-Adlind, 9W2XYZ-Alan, 9W2XL-Bear, 9w2AC-Zol
Sitting (Front:l to r) 9W2THS-Andrew,with back to camera, 9M2SQ-Suresh , 9M2CJ-Thiam, 9W2SAI-Saiful, 9M2DH-Kow

Alas, more old friends dropping in for an eyeball. A few jokes exchanged, a few drinks (not on the house though), a few cigarettes, come to think of it, many cigarettes........perhaps too many, Hi Hi....
Sincere welcome to 9M2SQ, 9W2AC, 9M2DH for their 'contact perdana' at Ali B !

So come on over, those who have not dropped in yet.....


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

9W2WOW - Walter Ow QSP from FRANCE

Good Day to all visitors of this site especially those who are Licensed Call Sign holders.

Not so long ago, a bulletin went out on 9M2RKK-Bukit Lanjan MARTS repeater via 147.980mhz about a stolen vehicle, a Satria GTI, belonging to a Club GTI member.
This message was broadcasted by different Stations, and at one point, our main GTI contact Station, Saiful-9W2SAI, was mentioned, to the effect that his car was stolen!
It was indeed a good deed to QSP important messages, but having other stations looking out for a car that is not stolen, is no lauging matter. Imagine, if the cops was informed that Saiful's car was reported stolen and he was stopped !!

Such, a few stations came out with the idea of a mock up QSP message that went like this:

"Kindly QSP this message received via EQSO to Walter Ow, 9W2WOW, that his ex- YL, Maurice, was looking for him. He can email her at maurice@paritbuntar.com. They were ex university mates at Ohio University, and that since she was getting married on the 31st June, she needed to know if he could come to the wedding. BTW, she also sent him a parcel to his old address, and needed to know if he got it"

This, though a mock up message, was to gauge;
1.How far the message went?
2.What was the final message that you may have recvd?
3.Who QSP the message to you?
4.Who did you QSP the message to?
(If you noted carefully, you may see that June 31st does not exist, BTW, 9W2WOW, does not exist as at June)
You may say that this is waste of time, but imagine, you may have to QSP a very important message, which could be live saving. So please input in the comments return from this posting, and hopefully, there will be a handful of you who can properly QSP messages, especially important ones.


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Do you want to loose your rights to 70cm (UHF)?

We need to hear from you... How do you feel about having a UHF link hooked to Echolink or E-QSO? If it is favourable to us , we can then keep the 70cm band. We need your response urgently.


Thursday, July 14, 2005


CQ CQ CQ.....following are some news in point form for benefit of all MARTS members.

1.MARTS council has acknowledge that those members (whose monies were misappropriated for term 2004) have had their membership renewed, and is valid thru to 2005.
So for those involved, please contact direct with Treasurer 9W2KB-Khoo, number available on this blog. (9W2XYZ- this is a QSP from 9M2CL)
2.Actions are currently in place to make good the offer from Motorola on its supply of repeaters.
It is premature to say when these will be up, but suffice to say, due to legality, this is still not possible as yet. In the meantime, the Council, wa made aware of the intentions by some members to utilise the already tested VOIP-RF interface, as evident in the (many) gateways currently available. In due time, an announcement will be made officially to streamine these connections, and possibly, aid this stations with their efforts.
3.www.marts.org.my is still being put together by 2 stations. Due to work constraints, the site is still yet to go live. In this aspect, any volunteers to help out is keenly advised to contact the secretary.

Many thanks to 9M2CL-Bob, 9M2LAW-Law, 9W2KB-Khoo, 9W2LTS-Loo, 9M2NCL-Andre, and 9W2LLT-Lawrence who took time off to meet with our voice from KL.
Any comments or ideas/sugestions to be directed to MARTS council, may for now be posted in this blog, until the official website is up. THIS IS BY NO MEANS, to suggest that this martsnews.blogspot is an unofficial website, but merely, a comment collection centre , for now.

73s de MartsNews

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

9M2 extends help

UITM Ham Operator 9W2AMP who operates in MY & UK

HAM operator 9W2BPO from UITM

HAM operator 9W2BPO from UITM

Yet another Ham Operator 9W2GE who operates in MY & UK

9W2MAA doing his thing
Cheers! to the 8 Ham Operators who drop by last night

L-R - 9M2DS Pak Dollah, 9M2FF Pak Yusof & a SWL station

9M2CJ Chiam about to induldge in his drink

L-R - SWL Polar, another SWL station, 9W2AXN,
9W2HY & another SWL station

L-R - SWL station, 9W2ADR, SWL Mat Belon, 9W2MRR and SWL station

A 'double 5/8' installed on SWL Mat Belon's tin can

Yesterday 2 9M station - 9M2DS Pak Dollah & 9M2FF Pak Yusof took time off from thier normal routine and were at ALi Baba to extend their help to 'would be' with new Ham operator with their application forms. There was a steady stream of SWLs and 9Ws guys dropping by for a cuppa and mingled till late night.

We also had a surprise visit from a group of eight (8) Ham operators from UITM from Shah Alam. When confronted with "Why we seldom hear you on air?" Some, quick to point out that they are not equip and a couple of faint voices heard saying "Kurang la brother ... shy la".
There were so many station to meet and I just couldn't put the name to their face, hoping the next time, i could. So guys, my sincere apology for not publishing your handle.

This time round 9W2XYZ had a camera at hand and the above are some shots taken - pics by Alan Tan

Monday, July 11, 2005

Net Poll Results - Would you volunteer?

Would you volunteer to be the next 2M Net Controller?
2 Votes 22.22%
Yes! where do i sign up? 7 Votes 77.78%

Total votes : 9

Guys!! you have spoken ... next thing to do is put it in action. So please contact post your contact
here in this slot and you will certainly hear from us.


Active Ham members from Down Under - JB

One for the 40Thieves Album
LtoR(sitting);9W2JAS-Jason;9W2TSK-Kumar;9W2LRR-Raymond;9W2PAT-Patrick; 9W2JAC-Jackie
(Standing)9W2MCT-Tony;SWL BOB

Lets make sure, after all KL-Ali Baba is 385kms away......

9W2TSK-Kumar, you know ah.....I have been supporting MARTS since.....
.and this one ah....even money cannot buy woh.... (find out more in our next update)

One More for the 40Thieves Album

(Standing)9W2MCT-Tony;SWL BOB

8th June 2005 - 40Thieves Makes Eyeball contact with JHB

An unforgettable, but most definitely enjoyable eyeball!! On my way to attend to some saltmine matters with SWL Bob (would be 9W2), we got back from V1 land, giving 9W2LRR some 4 hours to gather the posse for an Eyeball in Permas Jaya, Johor Bharu.

As we were ‘naked’(Riglesslah….kereta tidak ada RIG), we couldn’t communicate via RF, but help came in the form of the mobile phone. Meeting up with Raymond-9W2LRR was no problem, he led us to the drinking hole, from our RV point at Jusco Permas Jaya.
Not knowing anyone else, (haven’t eyeballed many stations from Johor Bharu), we quickly stated our intentions, and gave the usual ‘2 only’ warning!
Before long, 9W2PAT-Patrick (ex 9W2XJ), and 9W2JAC-Jackie(ex9W2JX) arrived and formalities were exchanged. A few words, exchanged, and then 9W2JAS-Jason, and friend (would be SWL- hopefully) Meng popped in. Syabas to JASON for scoring some 10 months ago…..sudah ada harmonics…..
The evening carried on and before long, it was already running past 1 am, and well past the ‘2 only story’.

The eyeball was certainly a milestone, as we agreed in part, to help eachother connect through Echolink, and set up a ‘would e National Connection – Central, South, North, East, and East-East….Sabah & Sarawak lah…’

But what was most interesting was meeting up with the last station that showed, up, exactly 8minutes 46 seconds, after receiving an Eyeball invitation from Raymond, yes, stand up, 9W2TSK-Kumar, he popped in all ready. This is a story of . . . . .a longtime MARTS supporter…..We intend to tell the story, but lets keep this here for now. We will post up his story, and hopefully, those who can relate to it will be able to blog it.

73’s for now, and if you do recognize this guys (photo’s enclosed), do check in as we are targeting a Central – South hook up on the 22nd Jul , 2130Hrs for the South Region 2mNet.

QSP 73s from 9W2PAT&9W2JAC to the following – 9M2SQ-Suresh, 9M2DS-Pak Dollah, 9W2XI-Wilson, 9W2AA-Jit and all those who know them.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Wall Of Shame .. or is it?

Two of our Licensed call sign holders, to add to our Wall Of Shame, as 9W2XYZ puts it.
Seen here are 9M2RT-Razif and 9W2AC-Zol leaving their mark.

40Thieves apologises to those who have had added their mark but do not have their photos posted. Sorrryla bro, someimes, cameraman ada, tapi camera tak ada.........sometimes Camera ada, cameraman ada, tapi, battery tak ada....Hi Hi.

We encourage all visitors to leave their mark.
If in place and no one around, simply ask for staff assistance, your marking is most welcomed.

Keep on Marking....73s
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